Shri Sakthikailassh Women's College


We Create Responsible Women

(Accredited with ‘A’ Grade by NAAC | Affiliated to Periyar University, Salem |
Recognized Under Section 2(f) & 12(B) of UGC Act 1956 | ISO 9001 : 2015 Certified Institution)

Military Road, Ammapet, Salem – 636 003. TamilNadu.
Phone: (0427) 2295666, Mobile : 94427 00203, 98940 34655, 94433 30316

Shri Sakthikailassh Women's College

We Create Responsible Women

(Accredited with ‘A’ Grade by NAAC | Affiliated to Periyar University, Salem |
Recognized Under Section 2(f) & 12(B) of UGC Act 1956 | ISO 9001 : 2015 Certified Institution)
Military Road, Ammapet, Salem – 636 003. TamilNadu.
Phone: (0427) 2295666, Mobile : 94427 00203, 98940 34655, 94433 30316


1 Dr.S.Jayanthi
2 Dr.S.Anbumalar
Assistant Professor
Research Director
3 Dr.A.Sharmila
Assistant Professor
IQAC Director
4 Dr.K.Geetha
Assistant Professor
5 Dr.T.Sathya Priya
Assistant Professor
6 Dr.R.Sangeetha
Assistant Professor
7 Dr.S.Ramya
Assistant Professor
8 Dr.P.Kasthuri
Assistant Professor
9 Dr.R.Kavitha
Assistant Professor
10 Dr.S.Prakash Kumar
Assistant Professor
11 Dr.C.Venmathi
Assistant Professor

Resoure Mobilization for Research

S.NO Name of the research project/ endowment Department of Principal Investigator Name of the Funding Agency Type (Government/ non-Government)
1 National Level Conference on Environmental and Sustainability -Challenges &Future Students,Teachers Microbiology Tamilnanu State Council for Science & Technology Government
2 Comparative study of disinfectant effeiciency of ethanol, bleach and phenolics against Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Staphylococcus aureus Microbiology Tamilnanu State Council for Science & Technology Government
3 Inservice trainin programme for science teachers of salem district Computer Applications Tamilnanu State Council for Science & Technology Government
4 Women Entrepreneurship Development Programme Principal Science Technology and Innovation (STI) based EntrepreneurshipTraining Programme Government
5 Consumer buying behaviour in wood home furniture manufacturing industry Commerce CA MR.Wood, Salem Non-Government
6 Employee engagement and remote work productivity: a case study of small businesses in Salem Business Administration Seven Infotech, Salem Non-Government
7 Application of fuzzy set theory in genomic and clinical analysis of tuberculosis: insights into diagnosis and treatment strategies Mathematics Awe Care Private Limited,Erode Non-Government
8 Data integrity audit scheme based on block chain expansion technology Computer Science Optimus Technocrates(India) Pvt.Ltd Non-Government
9 The development of feminism in english literature of the 19th and 20th centuries English Sri Jayam Prints, Salem Non-Government
10 Synthesis and spectral investigation of polymer composite (Cu/Ce/PMMA-Ha) doped on hydroxyapatite for orthopaedic application Chemistry Madras Scientific Supplies,Salem Non-Government
11 Shadow attacks based on password reuses a quantitative empirical analysis Computer Science Optimus Technocrates(India) Pvt.Ltd Non-Government
12 Mental Health Prediction of Human Computer Applications Seven Infotech, Salem Non-Government
13 Biodegradation of synthetic dyes in wastewater using eco-friendly catalysts and microbial treatment Biotechnology Awe Care Private Limited,Erode Non-Government
14 Block chain-based digital identity system for secure citizen services Computer Science Seven Infotech, Salem Non-Government
15 Enhancement of drought resistance in arachis hypogaea through genetic engineering Biotechnology Awe Care Private Limited,Erode Non-Government
16 A study on trends and opportunities of industry 4.0 in wood manufacturing processes Commerce MR.Wood, Salem Non-Government
17 5g and edge computing for smart cites infrastructure and public safety Computer Science Optimus Technocrates(India) Pvt.Ltd Non-Government
18 Comparative analysis of plastic and polymer degrading bacterial and fungal isolates from plastic dumped soil Microbiology Awe Care Private Limited,Erode Non-Government