(Accredited with ‘A’ Grade by NAAC | Affiliated to Periyar University, Salem |
Recognized Under Section 2(f) & 12(B) of UGC Act 1956 | ISO 9001 : 2015 Certified Institution)
Military Road, Ammapet, Salem – 636 003. TamilNadu.
Phone: (0427) 2295666, Mobile : 94427 00203, 98940 34655, 94433 30316
(Accredited with ‘A’ Grade by NAAC | Affiliated to Periyar University, Salem |
Recognized Under Section 2(f) & 12(B) of UGC Act 1956 | ISO 9001 : 2015 Certified Institution)
Military Road, Ammapet, Salem – 636 003. TamilNadu.
Phone: (0427) 2295666, Mobile : 94427 00203, 98940 34655, 94433 30316
1. Students should abide by the rules and regulations of the College and should maintain the esteem of the college.
2. Students are expected to maintain the highest standards of decorum, discipline and harmony at all times, both inside and outside the Campus and shall not do or act in any manner that will disrepute the College.
3. All students should wear ID’s on college campus at all times and while representing the college outside.
4. Students should pay the prescribed fees of the college within the time specified.
5. Any requisition or letter by the student to the Principal should come through the Class Advisor, HOD and concerned Dean
6. Loitering of students in the corridors of the College buildings or sitting on the steps of the staircase or on the steps of the portico during lecture or free hours is not permitted. Students are expected to make use of the library during free periods.
7. All the students are expected to be present in the class as per the scheduled time. Late comers will not be entertained and will result in half a day’s attendance being deducted.
8. Break time should be utilized wisely and should not be extended.
9. All vehicles should be parked in the allotted place. Vehicles found parked in unauthorized places shall be impounded.
10. Silence to be maintained in the auditorium during assembly/official proceedings/association activities.
11. Students are forbidden to visit the photo copy shop/canteen during class hours.
12. The Campus is known for Swatchtha and it is the responsibility of the students to maintain neat and clean campus. Bins should be used wherever appropriated.
13. Refrain from activities such as scribbling on the walls, doors or any furniture which could consequently deface the college and destroy the academic ambiance.
14. Follow safety precautions at all time during the class hours and laboratory hours.
15. Students are not authorized to celebrate any unauthorized celebrations and decorations of any magnitude including their birthday, Bus Day, Holi, Hostel Day etc in the campus.
16. Students are not permitted to distribute or display materials, notices, pamphlets, banners in the campus without the permission of the Principal.
17. Unauthorized meetings, propaganda work, processions or fund collections are forbidden within the college, hostels and outside the campus.
18. Hostellers should get leave permissions signed by the Class Advisor; HoD & Deputy Warden This should be accompanied by a letter from the parents/ guardians.
19. Students are advised not to bring valuable things like ornaments, heavy cash, electronic gadgets etc. Management is not responsible for any theft or valuables or cash inside/outside the campus.
20. Refrain from theft or abuse of the College properties and facilities.
21. Any violation of the above rules will invite penalty in the form of warning, parents meet, corrective measures or punishment by higher authorities of the college and legal authorities of the state.
1. Students must respect their teachers; greet them when they meet them in or out of the College campus.
2. Students should be seated in their respective classrooms at the stroke of the bell and must maintain calmness while waiting for the teacher.
3. Students must rise when the teacher enters the classroom, remain standing till they are directed to sit, or till the teacher takes his/her seat.
4. When the attendance roll is called, every student must rise and answer to her name or register number.
5. The students are expected to take up all assignments, tests and examinations of this College seriously and would try to perform the best
1. 75% of attendance is mandatory for all the students.
2. No student should absent herself from college without prior permission.
3. A leave letter shall be submitted to the Head of the Department to the class teacher when students absent themselves due to unavoidable circumstances.
4. Absenteeism for more than three working days without prior permission shall be brought to the notice of the Head of the Department by the class teacher and the same shall be informed to the parents.
5. All leave application shall be submitted on time to the concerned tutors with appropriate evidences in case of Medical backgrounds.
6. No students shall leave the class when the session is on without the permission of the respective teacher concerned.
7. In case of extenuating circumstance with due permission from the Class Advisor or Head of the department or the Dean of the concern department, the student can leave the campus.with the Parents/Guardian by presenting the Visitor Pass.
1. The dress code prescribed for girls is saree, chudidhar with dupatta formal pant shirt with blazer is permitted.
2. Skin fit, transparent dress, leggings, tights, T shirt will not be allowed in the campus.
3. All kinds of tattooing, body piercing, hair styling or any act against political, social or cultural values, beliefs and norms will be dealt with stringently.
4. Students are prohibited from damaging the building or any other property of the college in any way. The cost of any damage so caused will be recovered from the students collectively if the responsibility for it cannot be fixed on any individualor group of individuals.
1. All students must be present on the reopening day of the College, attend classes regularly and maintain the required attendance percentage.
2. Students who intend to represent the college in intercollegiate events shall take prior permission from the concerned head of the department and are required to furnish a permission letter from their parents three days prior to the event. On return from their event they have to produce the attendance certificate from their host college.
3. On Duty leave applications will not be entertained beyond 3 working days from the actual date of leave under any circumstances in a semester.
1. Students shall not use Mobile phones inside the class rooms/office locations or in its adjunct areas including corridors/stair cases and shall keep their Mobile phones in ‘switched off’ mode inside the Classroom, Library or in any of the College offices.
2. Ragging is strictly prohibited
3. Spitting, chewing gum and throwing bits of paper inside the college campus is prohibited.