Shri Sakthikailassh Women's College


We Create Responsible Women

(Accredited with ‘A’ Grade by NAAC | Affiliated to Periyar University, Salem |
Recognized Under Section 2(f) & 12(B) of UGC Act 1956 | ISO 9001 : 2015 Certified Institution)

Military Road, Ammapet, Salem – 636 003. TamilNadu.
Phone: (0427) 2295666, Mobile : 94427 00203, 98940 34655, 94433 30316

Shri Sakthikailassh Women's College

We Create Responsible Women

(Accredited with ‘A’ Grade by NAAC | Affiliated to Periyar University, Salem |
Recognized Under Section 2(f) & 12(B) of UGC Act 1956 | ISO 9001 : 2015 Certified Institution)
Military Road, Ammapet, Salem – 636 003. TamilNadu.
Phone: (0427) 2295666, Mobile : 94427 00203, 98940 34655, 94433 30316


The college aspires to emerge as a centre of excellence at the national level for empowering women by making them understand, actualize and energize their inner potential for positive changes and growth.


  • To promote High Quality Education
  • To impart Modern, Scientific and Value Based Education through right kind of Values
  • To adopt Student Centric Methods and Participative Mode of Learning
  • To provide necessary Skill Development Programs, Employment Oriented Education and Entrepreneurship Skills
  • To provide opportunities for Self Learning as well as Group Learning
  • To promote the aspiration of the individual student to become Self Made Professionals


  • Quality Education tapped from national and international resources.
  • Modular Approach to channelize knowledge.
  • Programmed evaluation of knowledge accumulated.
  • Producing graduates with strong ethical and moral background.
  • Continuous review and renewal of quality system leading to quality output.
  • We subject ourselves to both internal and external quality audits.


  • 1. Lifelong learners
  • 2. Self-driven innovators
  • 3. Effective and skilled communicators adopting new technologies and methods
  • 4. Creative Researchers and reflective thinkers
  • 5. Engage as individual and team worker
  • 6. Environment and Sustainability conscious women to protect global ecosystem.
  • 7. Highly knowledgeable, Competent and Professional leaders
  • 8. Technology Savvy
  • 9. Emotionally Balanced, Morally Upright and cultured citizen


  • 1. Professional integrity at all levels of our functions:
    The practice of maintaining appropriate ethical behavior adhering to the highest standards of morals and ethical principles and values in all activities.
  • 2. Accountability at all levels:
    We are accountable to our stake holders and necessary information will be available to them annually.
    Accountability is fixed for all the employees of the Institution.
  • 3. Transparency in all actions:
    The Institute will function according to well aid procedures and rules, which will be informed to all stakeholders. The Institute will make public all important information related to its functioning.
  • 4. Excellence in all our efforts:
    We try to achieve excellence by creating benchmarks and standards.
    We subject ourselves to internal and external reviews, audit & accreditation.